
Women’s power for climate and sustainability goals – Lisa Dyk was awarded by the state of Lower Austria!

On May 17th 2022 the state of Lower Austria presented the awards. The ceremony took place on the garden trade fair in Tulln.

Ms. Lisa Dyk received the award among eight winners for theimplementation of global sustainability goals.

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eFriend of the month December

Dyk-Mill was chosen eFriend of the month December. We would like to thank all eFriends for this!

We are very proud that we share with eFriends our excess energy since the beginning of 2020 from the production of our own hydro power plant, in the sense of supplying many private households.

More about eFriends:

Our hydroelectric power

Electricity from small hydropower and photovoltaics in the wood quarter is described by Mr. Andreas Pasielak, speaker of small hydroelectric power “Thayatal”, in his article in the current small hydropower magazine. The hydropower plant of our mill is also mentioned here, fortunately.

Until 2015 we operated a small hydroelectric power station (Francis turbine) with a fish ladder, which covered about 30% of our electricity needs. In 2014, we decided to build a new hydropower plant. This double-regulated Kaplan turbine was put into operation in spring of 2017 and has three times the power output when the water level in the river Thaya is sufficient. We also produce electricity by means of photovoltaics, this plant is to be expanded continuously.

Article by Mr. Pasielak (Issue 79)

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